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People are now searching for products and services using voice search on their gadgets. It is easier, faster, and more conversational as compared to traditional search.

Don't get left behind.

What is Voice Search

What is Voice Search

Voice search harnesses the power of speech recognition technology to allow users to search the internet via voice commands. You speak your query, the AI processes it, and you get your search results. 

It is that easy.

Responses are pulled from featured snippets, which are short selections of text that appear at the top of Google’s search engine results page (SERP). Therefore, for your business’s content to be used as a voice search result, your main goal should be to write and optimize content for featured snippets. This can be accomplished through strategic Voice Search Optimization.

How our Voice SEO Services can help you adapt to the Voice Search trend?

Our Voice SEO services will translate your digital content into the language that machines understand. Machines? Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, Siri... your car.

Once we know where your business stands, we’ll create and execute effective strategies that help you secure featured snippets and boost your presence in voice searches.

Google Home Assistant

Our VOICE SEO Strategies:

Confluence Local Marketing utilizes a variety of specialized services to help our clients improve their VSO. These include:


Keyword Research

By performing thorough research of what search queries your target audience is using, we can compile a list of keywords that serve as the foundation of your VSO strategy.


Voice Search Optimized Content

We will create and optimize high-quality content using SEO best practices to ensure every piece of content meets your standards and reflects your business’s unique voice.


On-Page SEO

Our team will convert your website copy using AI friendly language. We will optimize your website to make it more readable and search engine friendly.


Featured Snippet

To ensure you keep your rankings, our team frequently tests and improves your featured snippets. That way, you can remain present in voice search results

Maximize the power of Voice SEO:

Confluence Local Marketing allows your business to earn its own business feature snippet to be visible better and more clearly on the search engine platforms. This online visibility thereby increases your direct digital presence and add potential value to your business to keep it healthy and thriving.

As voice search usage continues to increase, businesses will need to invest in VSO to remain competitive. If you’re ready to start building your voice search presence, Confluence Local Marketing can help.

<script type="application/Id+json">


 "@context" : "",

 "@type" : "HowTo",

 "name" : "Change a Flat Tire",

 "estimatedCost" : {

 "@type" : "MonetaryAmount",

 "currency" : "USD",

 "value" : "20"


 "totalTime" : "PT30M" ,

 "tool" : [


 "@type" : "HowToTool",

 "name" : "Spare tire"

 } ,


 "@type" : "HowToTool" ,

 "name" : "Lug Wrench" ,

 "image" : "lug-wrench.jpg"

 } ,


 "@type" : "HowToTool" ,

 "name" : "Jack" 

 } ,


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